Snowblower Blog


Thursday, January 31, 2008

Snow Throwers

Snow throwers serve a great purpose during the wintertime. This article will give you information on how snow throwers do their job and how to get the best results from your snow thrower. These tips will help you to reduce the time that you have to spend outside getting rid of that cold and wet snow.

Snow throwers Can Keep You Warm

When there is snow outside. many men have to leave the warmth of their home to keep their sidewalks and driveways clean so that their family can go on with their life as normal. Your local government keeps the roads clear of snow. but the snow in front of your home is your responsibility. A snow thrower will allow you to quickly do this job and get back into the warmth of your home in no time.

Gas Engine Single Stage Operation Snow Throwers

You can find a snow thrower that is either single stage or two stages. The single stage snow thrower has a hard rubber or a combination metal and plastic auger. The engine uses a gear system to drive the auger. which cuts through the ice by chipping it. cellecting it. and then spitting it out of the snow thrower with quite a bit of force. This gets the ice off of the driveway. A single stage snow thrower is self-propelled as it rides on the snow. This kind of machine clears 12 to 22-inch width strips so it will most likely take several passes to clear your driveway of snow.

The More Powerful Two-stage Machine

The two-stage machine includes a pump in addition to the auger that is in a single stage machine. In a two-stage machine. the ice that is churned by the auger is sent to a pump. The pump helps to increase the distance that the clear snow goes and in some cases. the distance that the snow is thrown can be up to 45'. Children love watching the snow flow through the air and this machine can make your snowy chore easy and fun. These machines can make a path of 2 to 3-feet in one pass so it will take you less time to clear the driveway and/or sidewalk.

How to Remove the Snow Easily

? Sprinkle salt over the snow to help clear it more easily. (It is important to check with your local authorities to see if this is allowed.)

? When using your snow thrower. you need to wear many layers of clothing instead of just one layer to ensure that you stay warm.

? Spiked shoes are a good idea to help make sure that you do not slip on the hard snow. Keep in mind that if you fall. you could break a leg. arm. or another bone or you could hurt your head. That is why you want to take precautions to ensure that you are safe.

Andrew Caxton is the author and editor of many resources published at . A website with tips on lawn care and snow throwers

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Get Rid of Unwanted Snow with a Snow Thrower

Maintaining the look of a landscape can sometimes be hard work, especially in harsh and horrible weather conditions. No one can change the weather and with it becoming increasingly unpredictable, things are only set to get worse. However, the good news is that there is something which can be used in order to combat one particularly bad weather condition and that is a snow thrower.

What Is The Purpose of a Snow Thrower?

Snow can be restrictive to say the least, especially when the snow is thick. It can stop many people from living their lives normally until it has gone and that can present many problems. Most people have their driveways blocked full of snow which can be a huge nuisance, especially when they need to drive to work. Well, if you have problems with the snow a snow thrower may be just what you need. It is designed to get rid of the snow by throwing it into a different place and in some cases onto a truck.

Electric versus Gas Snow Throwers

When it comes to choosing either a gas or electric snow thrower, there are pros and cons for both so it is just a case of looking at your own personal circumstances. An electric snow blower can be extremely good when there is not a lot of snow covering your way. Also, with an electric snow thrower they are not as noisy as a gas snow thrower is and they are lighter in weight too.

A big downfall of electric snow throwers however is that because it is electric, it has wires and therefore it restricts how far you can go with it. It is also less powerful too and that is why it is not generally good for when there it a lot of snow around. So, for people with bigger driveways and when there is a lot of snow, the electric snow thrower is generally not advised. The gas one may be bigger and noisier, but for larger amounts of snow you will be getting rid of it in no time.

Do You Have Much Use For a Snow Thrower?

Obviously unless there is any snow, then there is no need for a snow thrower. They are only worth having if snow is creating a problem for you in some way at some time of the year. For instance, if snow is blocking up your driveway or the road, then a snow thrower will help you considerably.

It can also be used to get snow off the landscape or the lawn area too. It is important to make sure that you get the right snow thrower to suit your own personal circumstances. This is because if you get the wrong type it will only be ineffective and a complete waste of money. So, weigh up your options and always shop around!

Andrew Caxton publishes articles for A focused website that offers the best articles on snow thrower and snow removal.

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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Using a Snow Thrower to Save You Time

Snow throwers can make your life easier. By learning how the snow throwers work. you will be better able to make the process quicker and safer.

Snow throwers serve a great purpose during the wintertime. This article will give you information on how snow throwers do their job and how to get the best results from your snow thrower. These tips will help you to reduce the time that you have to spend outside getting rid of that cold and wet snow.

Snow throwers Can Keep You Warm When there is snow outside. many men have to leave the warmth of their home to keep their sidewalks and driveways clean so that their family can go on with their life as normal. Your local government keeps the roads clear of snow. but the snow in front of your home is your responsibility. A snow thrower will allow you to quickly do this job and get back into the warmth of your home in no time.

Gas Engine Single Stage Operation Snow Throwers You can find a snow thrower that is either single stage or two stages. The single stage snow thrower has a hard rubber or a combination metal and plastic auger. The engine uses a gear system to drive the auger. which cuts through the ice by chipping it. cellecting it. and then spitting it out of the snow thrower with quite a bit of force. This gets the ice off of the driveway. A single stage snow thrower is self-propelled as it rides on the snow. This kind of machine clears 12 to 22-inch width strips so it will most likely take several passes to clear your driveway of snow.

The More Powerful Two-stage Machine The two-stage machine includes a pump in addition to the auger that is in a single stage machine. In a two-stage machine. the ice that is churned by the auger is sent to a pump. The pump helps to increase the distance that the clear snow goes and in some cases. the distance that the snow is thrown can be up to 45'. Children love watching the snow flow through the air and this machine can make your snowy chore easy and fun. These machines can make a path of 2 to 3-feet in one pass so it will take you less time to clear the driveway and/or sidewalk.

How to Remove the Snow Easily. * Sprinkle salt over the snow to help clear it more easily. (It is important to check with your local authorities to see if this is allowed.) * When using your snow thrower. you need to wear many layers of clothing instead of just one layer to ensure that you stay warm. * Spiked shoes are a good idea to help make sure that you do not slip on the hard snow. Keep in mind that if you fall. you could break a leg. arm. or another bone or you could hurt your head. That is why you want to take precautions to ensure that you are safe.

Andrew Caxton is a syndicated writer of . A free online magazine that carries articles on snow blowers, and a guide on lawn care with John Deere snow throwers

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Snow Removal Equipment: Using Roof Rakes

Removing snow from your roof is not the same as the removing snow from your garden. Where there is a possibility of snow, the roofs are made inclined and this is a major reason why the mechanical tools cannot be used by the house-owner. Either he has to use manual tools or he has to call for an expert in roof raking. Fortunately, the gravity works for the house-owner and if the snowfall is not continuous and long lasting, the nature itself would melt the snow and a minor effort on part of house-owner will ensure that no ice collects on the roof.

Roof Rakes Are Made Of Aluminum Or Hard Plastic

For roof raking aluminum ladder and roof rakes are required. The roof rakes are attached at the end of a tube. They are made of aluminum or hard plastic. Aluminum is preferred over plastic as they are not as tough as the aluminum ones. Aluminum ladder is necessary, as roof is slippery, inclined and thus not safe for access. Whatever portions can be reached with the help of the tube extensions, are cleared of collected snow and the other portions left out in as is condition. Chemical deicers if available in market can be used.

Safety In Roof Raking

Do not do the following when clearing the snow from roof

1. Never ever, climb on the roof to clear the snow. All the ingredients for an accident are present the roof. A slippery surface and slope are sufficient for hurtling you downwards.
2. Do not work on the snow by mechanical means, that means no pounding or chopping
3. Aluminum ladder should have a firm footing, and it should be anchored firmly. It should not topple down.

Roof Raking Alternatives

To reduce the manual effort required in roof raking and removing snow from roof, roof and gutter de-icing cable can be installed on the roof. This has to be installed on the roof in a zigzag pattern and parallel to the gutter. A controller situated in your house will ensure that the temperature of the area under the cable does not get hot. Andrew Caxton is the webmaster of . A guide on lawn mowers and garden tractors and how to choose the right type for your garden;including snow removal tools for the winter season such as snow blowers and roof rakes

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Monday, January 28, 2008

The Secrets to Asset Protection to Protect Your Human Resources Assets

Asset protection comes in many different forms. At its most complex asset protection will include such things as multiple legal entities and trusts. Whilst at the other end of the spectrum, asset protection also include such mundane items as insurance. One area that is not considered very often, however, are human resource assets when it comes to asset protection. And it is this area, that I will be considering in this article.

Okay, so what is asset protection as it relates to human resource assets? It is a fact that the number one asset of most businesses is its staff. And depending on how hard they work, their efficiency, and the way that they are perceived, will also tend to indicate how successful the business will be. What this means is that when considering asset protection strategies, a business should not only be looking in terms of protecting their cash assets. But also in terms of looking at measures that could control, protect and nurture their human resources assets.

There are several ways that asset protection can be applied to human resources. Firstly, there are contractual ways that it can be applied. So for example, a good first step in any business is to establish which of your staff are key staff and then lock them into binding, longer term contracts.. Now, it is common when entering a business and asking the owner of the business which of their staff are 'key', to receive the answer. "All my staff are key". And in some ways this is correct, because all of the staff and do add to the bottom line of the business. But in reality, the staff that you employ in your business all still follow the Pareto principle, which is that 80% of your results, come from 20% of your actions. What this means in terms of staff hiring, and in terms of asset protection when it comes to your staff, is that 20% of your staff, produce 80% of your results. So you really need to identify which are the 20% who are having a massive impact within your business.

Considering asset protection within this framework, it becomes increasingly clear that there are relatively small amount of human resources assets. That actually produce the bulk of your profits. And when you start to realize this is also the time when you start to realize that you need to put measures in place, in order to keep them. Because they are worth far more to you than you can possibly imagine.

For the very latest information about asset protection find legal firm and other asset protection resources. Visit where you can also learn about asset information management systems

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Friday, January 25, 2008

Secrets to Getting the Right Protection for Your Nursery, Pre School or Kindergarten

For many people and businesses insurance is something they would rather not have to purchase.

Most people don?t want Insurance. Most people don?t like insurance.

What you probably do want is protection for your family, your loved ones, your business and the things that are most important to you. The mere mention of Insurance may very well make a vast number of people think of words like:

Rip-off, too expensive, waste of money, doesn?t pay claims, annoying, boring and some much worse!

The truth is though for most people and businesses Insurance is required as it provides them with protection and peace of mind.

With literally thousands of insurance companies, brokers and providers you are faced with a massive choice. So faced with decisions at every turn finding the right cover for you, your Nursery, Pre-School or Kindergarten is sometimes difficult.

This article will therefore give you some free advice that insurance providers rarely share with their customers. These few steps should help you in your quest to find the cover that is best for you at the right premium and with the best service.

Secret Number 1

The first secret to making sure you get the right cover at the right premium is perhaps the one that most people will find hardest to believe but it really works.

Are you sitting comfortably??? Here it is:

When you find yourself ringing around for quotes (and for anyone looking for Nursery Insurance I would recommend buying face to face or on the phone rather than online) the chances are you will be asked ?What?s your current premium?? or ?What?s the best price you?ve had??

The single biggest mistake people make when asked this question is to not tell the person asking the question. That?s right, when you are asked the best price you?ve had TELL THEM.

Most people assume that by telling an insurance provider your premium you are at a disadvantage. The truth is the opposite is true. Let me explain:

If you tell a good insurance provider your premium they should pretty much know straight away whether the premium is too high, too low or about right. Armed with this information they could give you an immediate indication if they can get a lower premium. If they know they can?t they can tell you and save you time.

Another reason you should tell the person if they ask your premium is because the vast majority of insurance companies won?t give you the best price unless they have something to beat. Let me say that again, if you don?t give your broker or company a price to beat, the chances are you won?t get the best premium. However, if you do tell them, they can use this information when dealing with the insurance company which ultimately can save you money.

One final tip on this matter is, don?t be tempted to make up a price. For example, Mrs Blogs is looking for Nursery Insurance and she has a best price of ?2500.00. She thinks it?s too much money so when asked the magic question of ?What?s the best price you?ve had so far?? she decides to go in low at ?1800.00. By doing this most companies will know the price seems low and many won?t even provide a quote. Whereas had Mrs Blogs been up front and said ?2500.00 there?s every chance she could have saved some money.

Therefore Secret Number 1 is be totally honest when looking for insurance as it?s the best way to make sure you get the best premium. Give it a really works.

Secret Number 2

Secret number 2 is common sense but so many Nurseries fail to make sure it happens because they are focusing on the price. The second way to ensure you get the right cover is therefore to use an insurance provider who has an understanding of your requirements.

You can establish this by listening to what questions they ask, how they ask them and how they react to what you are saying. If they enter into a conversation about your Nursery it?s likely to be because the more information they have about your circumstances, the better cover, the better premium and the better service they can provide you.

If the conversation is very scripted and they either don?t understand what you?re looking for or don?t ask the type of questions you would expect there is every chance it?s because they don?t have a real understanding of your business. If this is the case you risk not getting the right cover and ultimately not being correctly insured.

Secret Number 3

Secret number 3 is ask questions. So many people ring around looking for Nursery insurance, Pre-School Insurance or Kindergarten Insurance and spend the entire conversation answering questions. Secret 3 is therefore ask questions to find out if they provide not only the right cover and premiums but also the right level of customer service. Types of question you might want to ask are:

In the event of a claim what will they do to help you and to ensure your claim is settled as quickly and as favourably as possible? Do they just give you a telephone number and leave you to it or do they offer help when you most need it? Are they experienced? How long have they been trading? If it?s a Broker, which Insurance companies do they use? Again, if they are Brokers are they independent? That is, do they have access to numerous policies and insurance companies or are they tied into just one?

By getting answers to these questions you can then a make a decision on whether you would like to deal with them (and whether you trust them to act on your behalf.)

Secret Number 4

The fourth and final secret to making sure you get the best from your insurance provider is another which may not seem right as Insurance is one of the most price sensitive purchases a Nursery, Pre-School or Kindergarten will make.

With this in mind many Nurseries, Pre-Schools and Kindergartens make the decision on where to place their insurance on price alone. I would advise anyone looking for Nursery insurance, Pre-School Insurance, Kindergarten Insurance or indeed any kind of Business Insurance is NOT TO ASSUME THAT CHEAPEST IS BEST.

Whilst getting a low premium is one of the most important things to look for, a really cheap premium without a combination of other factors is probably cheap for a reason. Things you may want as well as a low premium are:

Are they local? Are they friendly and approachable? (we all prefer doing business with people we like) Who are the insurance company? Have you heard of them? What is the excess? Make sure the excess is one you agree on and not one given just to give you a low premium Do they have a good reputation? Do they listen to you and explain things in a way that you understand?

If you follow these 4 simple secrets there is every chance your experience when dealing with Insurance for your Nursery, Pre-School or Kindergarten will improve. And whilst I cannot guarantee that Insurance will become your number 1 hobby (in fact I?d be a little concerned if it did!) there is every chance the cover you get will be what you want, the premiums you pay will be less than you?ve paid before and the service you receive will be one you would be happy in giving and one you would be happy to recommend.

The secrets to getting the right protection for your Nursery, Pre School or Kindergarten was compiled by Mark Burdett, Marketing Manager of Northern Counties Insurance Brokers.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Secrets To Getting The Right Protection For Your Nursery, Pre School Or Kindergarten

For many people and businesses Insurance is something they would rather not have to purchase.

Most people don?t want Insurance. Most people don?t like Insurance.

What you probably do want is protection for your family, your loved ones, your business and the things that are most important to you. The mere mention of Insurance may very well make a vast number of people think of words like:

Rip-off, too expensive, waste of money, doesn?t pay claims, annoying, boring and some much worse!

The truth is though for most people and businesses Insurance is required as it provides them with protection and peace of mind.

With literally thousands of insurance companies, brokers and providers you are faced with a massive choice. So faced with decisions at every turn finding the right cover for you, your Nursery, Pre-School or Kindergarten is sometimes difficult.

This article will therefore give you some free advice that insurance providers rarely share with their customers. These few steps should help you in your quest to find the cover that is best for you at the right premium and with the best service.

Secret Number 1

The first secret to making sure you get the right cover at the right premium is perhaps the one that most people will find hardest to believe but it really works.

Are you sitting comfortably??? Here it is:

When you find yourself ringing around for quotes (and for anyone looking for Nursery Insurance I would recommend buying face to face or on the phone rather than online) the chances are you will be asked ?What?s your current premium?? or ?What?s the best price you?ve had??

The single biggest mistake people make when asked this question is to not tell the person asking the question. That?s right, when you are asked the best price you?ve had TELL THEM.

Most people assume that by telling an insurance provider your premium you are at a disadvantage. The truth is the opposite is true. Let me explain:

If you tell a good insurance provider your premium they should pretty much know straight away whether the premium is too high, too low or about right. Armed with this information they could give you an immediate indication if they can get a lower premium. If they know they can?t they can tell you and save you time.

Another reason you should tell the person if they ask your premium is because the vast majority of insurance companies won?t give you the best price unless they have something to beat. Let me say that again, if you don?t give your broker or company a price to beat, the chances are you won?t get the best premium. However, if you do tell them, they can use this information when dealing with the insurance company which ultimately can save you money.

One final tip on this matter is, don?t be tempted to make up a price. For example, Mrs Blogs is looking for Nursery Insurance and she has a best price of ?2500.00. She thinks it?s too much money so when asked the magic question of ?What?s the best price you?ve had so far?? she decides to go in low at ?1800.00. By doing this most companies will know the price seems low and many won?t even provide a quote. Whereas had Mrs Blogs been up front and said ?2500.00 there?s every chance she could have saved some money.

Therefore Secret Number 1 is be totally honest when looking for insurance as it?s the best way to make sure you get the best premium. Give it a really works.

Secret Number 2

Secret number 2 is common sense but so many Nurseries fail to make sure it happens because they are focusing on the price. The second way to ensure you get the right cover is therefore to use an insurance provider who has an understanding of your requirements.

You can establish this by listening to what questions they ask, how they ask them and how they react to what you are saying. If they enter into a conversation about your Nursery it?s likely to be because the more information they have about your circumstances, the better cover, the better premium and the better service they can provide you.

If the conversation is very scripted and they either don?t understand what you?re looking for or don?t ask the type of questions you would expect there is every chance it?s because they don?t have a real understanding of your business. If this is the case you risk not getting the right cover and ultimately not being correctly insured.

Secret Number 3

Secret number 3 is ask questions. So many people ring around looking for Nursery insurance, Pre-School Insurance or Kindergarten Insurance and spend the entire conversation answering questions. Secret 3 is therefore ask questions to find out if they provide not only the right cover and premiums but also the right level of customer service. Types of question you might want to ask are:

In the event of a claim what will they do to help you and to ensure your claim is settled as quickly and as favourably as possible?

Do they just give you a telephone number and leave you to it or do they offer help when you most need it?

Are they experienced? How long have they been trading? If it?s a Broker, which Insurance companies do they use?

Again, if they are Brokers are they independent? That is, do they have access to numerous policies and insurance companies or are they tied into just one?

By getting answers to these questions you can then a make a decision on whether you would like to deal with them (and whether you trust them to act on your behalf.)

Secret Number 4

The fourth and final secret to making sure you get the best from your insurance provider is another which may not seem right as Insurance is one of the most price sensitive purchases a Nursery, Pre-School or Kindergarten will make.

With this in mind many Nurseries, Pre-Schools and Kindergartens make the decision on where to place their insurance on price alone. I would advise anyone looking for Nursery insurance, Pre-School Insurance, Kindergarten Insurance or indeed any kind of Business Insurance is NOT TO ASSUME THAT CHEAPEST IS BEST.

Whilst getting a low premium is one of the most important things to look for, a really cheap premium without a combination of other factors is probably cheap for a reason. Things you may want as well as a low premium are:

Are they local?

Are they friendly and approachable? (we all prefer doing business with people we like) Who are the insurance company? Have you heard of them?

What is the excess? Make sure the excess is one you agree on and not one given just to give you a low premium

Do they have a good reputation?

Do they listen to you and explain things in a way that you understand?

If you follow these 4 simple secrets there is every chance your experience when dealing with Insurance for your Nursery, Pre-School or Kindergarten will improve. And whilst I cannot guarantee that Insurance will become your number 1 hobby (in fact I?d be a little concerned if it did!) there is every chance the cover you get will be what you want, the premiums you pay will be less than you?ve paid before and the service you receive will be one you would be happy in giving and one you would be happy to recommend.

The secrets to getting the right protection for your Nursery, Pre School or Kindergarten was compiled by Mark Burdett, Marketing Manager of Northern Counties Insurance Brokers.

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Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Best-Kept Secrets In Child Protection

Photo ID - Good to start an initial search of a missing child if it is up to date. It is only good to start the search with! Please do not rely on it to find your missing child! Just think about how many people can you show it to; see my point. Sign up for our weekly newsletter and get all the information you need to protect your children. Gte it now!!!

Private Investigator that specializes in crime prevention and missing children recovery. Totally dedicated to child safety.

Family Meetings 101Deborah Shelton

Family meetings provide opportunities for feelings to be
aired and validated. They also allow younger children to
feel they are an important part of the decision-making
process when it comes to family vacations and other major
and minor family functions.

Before the first meeting commences, set a few ground rules
such as:

* Speak in a calm tone.
* Avoid name-calling, finger-pointing, and sarcasm.
* Turn off the TV, radio and telephones.
* Allow each person to voice his or her concerns and ideas.
* Listen to all opinions before making a decision.
* If a person voices a complaint, they must also bring to
the table at least one possible remedy to the situation.

Locations for future family meetings may also be
brainstormed at the first meeting. Here are a few examples:

* Circle Time
Very simply, sit on the floor together, in a circle.
Designate an object as a "talking token". This can be a
small stuffed animal, a necklace to be worn, a hat, or any
other item that will be passed around. Whoever holds the
talking token may speak. Once they are finished, they must
pass the token to the next person.

* Restaurant Rendezvous
Take turns choosing a favorite restaurant to host your
family meetings. For this option, choose an afternoon or
evening in the middle of the week, or at off-peak times, to
avoid heavy crowds. End the meeting before dessert arrives,
so everyone can indulge their sweet tooth happily.

* Hobby Haven
I know of several families who hold their meetings at
places that cater to their favorite hobbies. For instance,
one family conducts their meeting at a bowling alley. Once
the meeting is over, they enjoy bowling together. Another
family combines their gathering with their love of books,
by meeting at a caf in their favorite bookstore. And yet
another family I know holds their weekly meeting after a
joyful round of put-put golf. This option combines family
communication and fun.

However, and wherever, your family decides to host the
meetings, remember this all-important point: Always end
each meeting with a hug!

Deborah Shelton is a mother, freelance writer, and author
of the brand new book, "The Five Minute Parent: Fun & Fast
Activities for You and Your Little Ones." Visit Deborah's
website for more family-friendly ideas:

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Can The ATV Snow Plow Work For You

There are many types of snow plows that you can buy these days. Everything from a giant plow that has the capacity to move your house to one that pushes snow out of your driveway. Of the many shapes and sizes, the ATV snow plow is designed not just for the wintertime season, it is sturdy enough for use in the other seasons as well.

For example, it can be used for such things as moving leaves and dirt on projects you might be doing during the other warmer seasons. The strong yet compact body of the this snow plow makes it the idealistic choice for you. Especially, if you are one of those people who really likes to get his moneys worth.

While other snow plows are configured for the professional the ATV snow plow can be used by anyone. For this rationality when you are looking to purchase a good snow plow for your winter needs, you should look for the one that will give you the horse power that you need to move large amounts of snow out of the way. As with most snow plows the blade is the most crucial part. Without a good blade it is almost worthless. Unless you buy a piece of equipment that could possibly have a variety of uses for you.

Therefore, you should look at the blade and see if there is a good amount of depth in the blade curve to scoop the snow out of the road or any other surface. One of the advantages that can be found in the ATV snow plow is the winch. This winch has ability to lift the snow blade out of the roadway when you are not lifting or moving any type of load.

Not to mention the occasional time the blade gets stuck for what ever reason. The winch has the ability to pull the blade out. There are a few other ways that you can move the blade, but we won't go into detail on those ways right now. But, will certain identify the ways, just so you get the idea.

One way would be with the Universal Manual Lift operator. With this mechanism you decide how high or low the blade will be off the ground. This of course is extremely helpful when you have terrain that might not all be the same depth. This gives you the command that is needful in fragile situations. The other method that you can use to lift the ATV snow plow blade away from the ground surface is the Plow Actuator. There is also other benefits to using this particular type of plow.

Here you will find that you can remove the snow blade very rapidly and stick it to another ATV if there is any need. Now since ATVs are stalwart vehicles that can go over just about any terrain you should make sure that the snow tires are able to resist slipping on ice or getting stuck in melted ice slosh. I would suggest talking with a dealer and finding the right tire for your needs. Not all tires are created equal.

To see if there is an ATV snow plow that is worthy for your life style you should see what your ATV dealer has in stock. These little sturdy machines come with a wide variety of options. So, you will want to make your selection based on your snow plow needs. Also, don't forget to keep in mind what projects this machine might be able to help you out with in the off season of moving snow.

With wintertime and the snow falls that many people experience you may want to have access to a snow plow that will make your days of snow shoveling very easy or non-existent. Just make sure that you are all cozily bundled up before you begin pushing the mounds of snow out of the way with your brand new sturdy snow plow. And remember, these machines are sturdy enough to help you with all kinds of work. Just think of the possibilities.

Bowe is the webmaster and content provider for many informational websites. Please visit his Snow Removal site and Find the snow remover that is right for you.

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Friday, January 18, 2008

Tips on Snowplowing

Now that you?ve got your new snowplow, what do you do?

It?s getting to be that time of the year. Soon the football game is going to be on during Turkey Day and you have just recently put the blade on the truck for the first time. In fact, you just might be new to driving a snowplow.

After last year, fighting the snow all winter with a measly plastic shovel or an antiquated snow blower that clogged up more snow than it threw, you decided that you weren?t going to go through that again. So, you went out and bought yourself a snowplow and are itching for the snow to fall.

Now that the blade is on the truck, do you know how to use it? For some, they decide that they will get the blade on and figure out how to use it afterwards. Well here are a few tips to help you so that you don?t take out part of the house or a side of the garage.

First, make sure that your truck is prepared to deal with the rigors of plowing. You want to ensure that the battery is fresh and that all the hydraulics and moving pieces are in order.

Second, if you plan to plow during dark hours, which are probably going to happen, then you need to make sure that you have adequate lighting. Either make sure you have enough on the front of the plow or there are exterior lights that will keep the driveway well lit. Don?t forget about tail lights and possibly putting a rear spot light on the truck.

Third, if you are new to plowing with your truck, you should go outside and visualize where you are going to dump the snow. This may not seem like a big deal now, but if you don?t have a good idea of where all the snow is going to go and how far back you need to push it, you could end up with piles of snow that you can?t throw back out of the way mid way through the winter.

These are just a few tips to help you with your snowplowing this year. With a little forethought, you should be able to have a breeze with your snowplowing this year.

If you are looking for more advice on snowplows or are looking for snowplow parts go to

Matt Ide is an avid outdoorsman who lives in the wilds of Northern Michigan and understands that plows are a lifeline to making it through the winter. You can read more articles as well as find reviews and quality parts for snowplows at his site:

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Fun Facts about ATV snow plows

Oh?the fun we all have come winter time?the snowmen, the Christmas atmosphere, making angels on snow-covered ground, slushing around in knee-high boots in melting snow?but oh, the shoveling! One of the worst things about winter time is the back-breaking shoveling and that is precisely why many households own at least one ATV show plows these days. It makes clearance of the driveway and vicinity of your home much faster and more convenient! It?s just like driving around in the snow and clearing the snow at the same time!

The multi-talented ATV snow plow The most amazing thing about ATV snow plows is that not only do they make shoveling much easier; it is also great fun for the whole family and can be used to dig and move modest weights of debris. The ATV snow plow does not have to be kept in storage until winter time. Instead, during other times, you can use it to give your family members (especially the kids, they?ll love it!) a ride once in a while or you can use it to move large amounts of debris.

I don?t know how to install an ATV snow plow. It?s too complicated. Here?s the deal?if you know how to read this article, you will have no problems installing an ATV snow plow. Manufacturers of these ATV snow plows know that not everyone is an engineer or mechanic; after taking into account the average knowledge about installing ATV snow plows, most of the newer models of ATV snow plows are easy to install and run!

Older kids have fun helping with the shoveling with an ATV snow plow Try asking a teenager to help out with the shoveling and you?ll start a heated argument. But if you have an ATV snow plow, watch them squeal with delight whenever they have to shovel. ATV snow plows are generally easy to operate (depending on brand and model) and is safe. It?s perfectly fine to let a reasonably responsible teen use the ATV snow plow. If you?re still worried, have a short discussion with your teen about the safety rules concerning usage of the ATV snow plow before you let them use it.

But ATV snow plows are too expensive. It?ll bust my budget! When ATV snow plows were first introduced into the market, they WERE quite expensive. Despite the fact that the prices for ATV snow plows have dropped quite considerably, many people still have this perception that ATV snow plows are expensive. This is no longer true. Good ones can be bought for less than $150 if you look hard enough. And let me tell you this, the investment in an ATV snow plow will save you quite a lot of hard work and in the end, the investment will be well worth it.

Marsha Maung is an ATV enthusiast enthusiastically promoting ATV riding as a sport and family activity! She runs and is one of the staff for one of the hottest and fastest-growing ATV sites right Upload and share pictures, articles, views, advice, reviews, ideas, tips and tricks to ATV riding with other ATV enthusiasts through ATVspace,

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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Things You'll Need To Know To Buy The Right Snow Plow

Over the last couple of decades the snowplow industry has changed a lot, mainly due to the introduction of several new products that make snowplowing easier, faster, and safer.

The introduction of these new products is a two edged sword; yes it makes things easier, but at the same time it also makes the process of deciding on a snowplow a little more involved. Some of the things that you have to consider include the following:

Should I buy a straight-blade or multi-position snow plow? Does it matter if the blade is steel or poly? How easy is it to attach and detach the plow? Are the hydraulics dependable and are the controls easy to use? Does the product have bright enough lights? Is there a good warranty on the plow? These are some of the things you want to know beforehand and we will endeavor to give you as much information as possible to get you started.

For most people who are just using the unit for clearing their own driveway, a straight-blade will more than likely be just fine, but if you use it to make money then you'll want to be able to do the job quick and efficiently, so you may want to go with the multi-position. Multi-position plows are up to 50% faster due to the fact that you can reposition the blades to all straight-blade positions in addition to the scoop and V positions. This makes the plow adaptable to nearly any job you need to do.

When it comes to the composition of the blade you have the choice between steel and poly. The vast majority of snowplows on the market today come with steel blades, although the poly plows are becoming more and more popular. The reason for the growing popularity is that poly is just as strong as steel and maybe stronger. They also have a lower coefficient of friction, which saves on fuel costs and is easier on your vehicle. The poly plows are also saturated with color all the way through so nicks and scratches don't show like they do with steel, plus they don't rust.

Attaching and detaching the plow is very important as well. You don't want to be freezing and trying to deal with getting a blade on and off your truck. Try the attachment system for yourself at the dealer so you can see firsthand how easy or difficult it is to use.

Most snowplow makers use a single halogen light bulb, which are not bright enough; some makers have come out with dual halogen bulbs with the option of upgrading to High Intensity Discharge. These HID lights are four times brighter than standard halogen bulbs and also last ten times as long.

Hydraulics are probably the most important part of the plow, along with the controls. Be sure that the hydraulics system is dependable and the controls are simple and easy to use. Go for quality since the old adage, "you get what you pay for" definitely applies here.

When it comes to the warranty be sure to know exactly what you are getting and what the warranty covers. Some only cover parts, while others cover parts and labor. Warranties are usually either one year or two years; so pay attention to the warranty.

Take all of these things into consideration when shopping for a snowplow and you will be able to choose the right one to suit your needs.

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Florida. Find more about this as well as Boss Snow Plows at

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Monday, January 14, 2008

Important Things To Do To Prepare Your Snowplow For Plowing This Season

Every season when you take your snowplow out of storage you should follow these guidelines to prepare your plow for the upcoming winter.

First off, you should be intimately familiar with every component of your snowplow; this will save you a lot of aggravation later. Read through your owner's manual thoroughly and educate yourself about the maintenance procedures and operational guidelines. The manual will also give you a list of parts and diagrams, tips for snowplowing, and a troubleshooting guide that will help you figure out any problems.

You should be prepared for potential problems that could occur when you're out plowing. Make sure you have a fire extinguisher, first aid kit, tool kit, tow strap, flares, flashlight, fuses for your vehicle, jumper cables, ice scraper and deicer, a shovel and a bag of sand or salt. You should also always have warm clothes such as insulated boots and long underwear, a warm winter jacket, gloves, sunglasses and a cell phone.

You should also have an emergency parts kit for your snowplow that includes extra hydraulic fluid and hoses, a pump solenoid, extra cutting-edge bolts and a trip spring. Be sure to check your vehicle's tire pressure; also check the vehicle's engine belts for any cracks and for tightness. Check the vehicle's fluid levels and keep your gas tank filled. You'll also need to check the battery as wet conditions and salt from the roads can corrode the connections. Always keep in mind that subzero temperatures in the winter can really do a number on your vehicle so you have to pay attention to these maintenance items even more.

Having good visibility is vital so you want to be sure that your windshield washer fluid is full and wipers are in good working order. You also want to be sure that your defrosters are working correctly. Check your lights to be sure they are all in working order. You may want to consider adding a strobe light if you don't already have one. A flashing strobe light will make you more visible to others while you are on the job.

To improve traction, you'll need to add ballast to the rear of your vehicle. Each snowplow manufacturer publishes a ballast chart so be sure you take the time to counter balance your vehicle to improve your traction.

During the plowing season you should check your snowplow often. Be sure to examine bolts for tightness and make sure that none of the welds have cracks. You also want to be sure that the hydraulic hoses do not have leaks and make sure that your snowplow lights and turn signals are always working properly.

Make sure that you inspect the plows' cutting edge and the plow shoes. Not maintaining your plow and letting the cutting edge get over worn can result in costly repairs.

If you follow these guidelines when you take your plow out of storage this season, everything will run as smooth as the paths you will plow.

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Florida. Find more about this as well as Boss Snow Plows at

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Sore Hands? Sore Back? Get a Snow Blower

Shoveling snow off your sidewalk can be an enjoyable winter ritual. Until you get dumped on by a lot of snow and have to go out day after day to do that shoveling, while your hands ache and your back stiffens. When that happens, it's time to get a snow blower.

The main reason why people resist buying a snowblower is the cost. A shovel costs $30, they think, and with a little free muscle power and several hours they can clear their sidewalks and driveway with no problem. They don't consider the possibility of doctor's bills in future because they've strained their back trying to shovel too much snow. And it's not even the case of doctor's bills, but simply general uncomfortableness caused in later life by a bad back. When looked at in that perspective, the cost of a snow blower isn't that much.

And that's not to say that snow blowers are ridiculously expensive. Obviously if you want a snow blower with all the bells and whistles it will cost more than a machine that simply sucks in the snow and throws it out again, far away from the sidewalk.

There are so many manufacturers that it is best to take note of all the features and compare them - either by visiting their websites, or viewing Consumer Reports or other consumer watchdog groups which tell you which model of snow blower is the most reliable.

Snow blowers come in two "stages" - a single stage machine in which the blades suck in the snow and spit it out again, and a two-stage machine in which the blades break up the snow first, then suck it in and spit it out. A single-stage snow blower would obviously be less expensive than a two-stage machine.

Gasoline powered engines are by far the most popular motive force for snow blowers, but it is possible to get electric powered machines - which do not pollute and are not as noisy. However, the electrical-power machines are not as powerful as the gasoline engines. If you live in an area which gets several feet of snow at one time, the gasoline-powered engine is still the way to go.

* Do not allow your child to operate a snow blower. It doesn't matter how mature they are - it simply isn't safe.
* Do not do any snow blowing when there are children about. They will think it fun to watch the snow being blown over their heads in an arc, perhaps, then for sure one of them is going to get a face full of power-driven snow and it will hurt quite a bit.
* Always wear safety goggles and ear protectors, and non-slip shoes.
* If the machine jams, turn it off completely. Never attempt to clear a jam with your bare hand - always use a tool, such as a long-handled broomstick, to do the job. Sure, nine times out of ten using your hand will be quick and easy. On the tenth time...something will go wrong and it's bye bye, fingers.

Save your back. Save time. Get a snow blower.

Andrew Caxton is a consultant who writes on many consumer topics like lawn care for You can find more information and resources on snow blowers at his website.

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Friday, January 11, 2008

Save Time With A Snow Blower

Many people don't want to go to the expense of buying a snow blower, when a shovel is a tenth of the cost, and they can get some good exercise once or twice a week. But they'll pay for it in future with a bad back.

Shoveling snow off your sidewalk can be an enjoyable winter ritual. Until you get dumped on by a lot of snow and have to go out day after day to do that shoveling, while your hands ache and your back stiffens. When that happens, it's time to get a snow blower.

The main reason why people resist buying a snowblower is the cost. A shovel costs $30, they think, and with a little free muscle power and several hours they can clear their sidewalks and driveway with no problem. They don't consider the possibility of doctor's bills in future because they've strained their back trying to shovel too much snow. And it's not even the case of doctor's bills, but simply general uncomfortableness caused in later life by a bad back. When looked at in that perspective, the cost of a snow blower isn't that much.

And that's not to say that snow blowers are ridiculously expensive. Obviously if you want a snow blower with all the bells and whistles it will cost more than a machine that simply sucks in the snow and throws it out again, far away from the sidewalk.

There are so many manufacturers that it is best to take note of all the features and compare them - either by visiting their websites, or viewing Consumer Reports or other consumer watchdog groups which tell you which model of snow blower is the most reliable.

Snow blowers come in two "stages" - a single stage machine in which the blades suck in the snow and spit it out again, and a two-stage machine in which the blades break up the snow first, then suck it in and spit it out. A single-stage snow blower would obviously be less expensive than a two-stage machine.

Gasoline powered engines are by far the most popular motive force for snow blowers, but it is possible to get electric powered machines - which do not pollute and are not as noisy. However, the electrical-power machines are not as powerful as the gasoline engines. If you live in an area which gets several feet of snow at one time, the gasoline-powered engine is still the way to go.

* Do not allow your child to operate a snow blower. It doesn't matter how mature they are - it simply isn't safe.
* Do not do any snow blowing when there are children about. They will think it fun to watch the snow being blown over their heads in an arc, perhaps, then for sure one of them is going to get a face full of power-driven snow and it will hurt quite a bit.
* Always wear safety goggles and ear protectors, and non-slip shoes.
* If the machine jams, turn it off completely. Never attempt to clear a jam with your bare hand - always use a tool, such as a long-handled broomstick, to do the job. Sure, nine times out of ten using your hand will be quick and easy. On the tenth time...something will go wrong and it's bye bye, fingers.

Save your back. Save time. Get a snow blower.
Andrew Caxton use to write on lawn care and similar subjects for . Find more publications about snow blowers at his website.

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Choosing Snow Blowers For Your Home

If you live in an area which suffers from bad snow either frequently or even just once a year, you will know how frustrating it is sometimes to have it in your way. As beautiful looking as snow often is, it can be a nightmare to get through, especially if you are driving so just what can you do to help both you and your garden from the snow? Well, snow blowers may be just what you are after.

Choosing a Snow Blower to Suit You

The snow blower which you settle upon will be one which fits within your garden and driveway. There are various different sizes and each will be able to remove a certain amount of snow. They are so much easier than using a shovel but if you purchase the wrong type for you, you won?t really be helping yourself!

So in order to purchase a snow blower to suit you, you need to first make a list of exactly what it is that you need. Some things you may want to ask yourself and write down include:

? How much snow do you usually get?
? How much of a budget do you have?
? How big is your garden/driveway?

The above points will really help you to ensure that you get a machine to suit you. For example, if you only have to deal with a small amount of snow, it is pointless going out and purchasing one which is mainly used for shifting huge amounts. It would be a complete waste of money and it would be far too powerful. So, look for one which handles the amount of snow that you usually get and you should be fine.

Your budget is obviously another important factor as it will determine which snow blower you can actually get. However, if you do not have enough of a budget to buy the machine that you need, it would be worth saving up a little more until you can afford it. This is because if you buy the wrong machine for you it might not necessarily work properly and it would have been a waste of money when you could have waited a little longer and purchased one which you needed.

Overall buying a snow blower shouldn?t be hard work. Simply know what you need beforehand and it really will make your decision a whole lot easier. It certainly beats using a shovel every time you get snowed in!

Andrew Caxton is the editor of different articles published at, with reference to lawn care and snow removal. For additional information on snow removal or snow blowers subjects have a look at his web.

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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Many Varieties Of Snow Blowers

Buying a snow blower is sometimes very overwhelming with all of the choices available. In this article, you will learn about the different varieties of snow blowers available and what you need to keep in mind when choosing one for your home.

Selecting A Snow Blower
Buying one of the many snow blowers available can be a good investment. Snow blowers have several different benefits, including saving your back from shoveling. You need to keep several things in mind when looking for a snow blower or snow thrower, as it is known in some areas.
1. Keep in mind how much snow you get each year and how dense it is. Both of these factors will help you to find the snow blower that is best for you and your particular needs.
2. Try out the snow blower before you buy. This will give you a feel for how the snow blower works and you can learn how to use it properly. This will also give you a chance to try out several different ones to find the one that you are most comfortable with.

Costs of a Snow blower
Snow blowers can be quite an investment. One thing that you need to keep in mind is that the price will increase when the demand increases for the item, so during a blizzard is not the best time to purchase a snow blower at a discount.

You can find a single stage machine that is priced anywhere from $350 to $800. If you want a two-stage machine, then you could spend as much as $1000. Costs can also be dependent upon the throw distance of the snow blower and the capacity.

Snow Blower Varieties
Your most obvious choice is between the single stage and a two-stage machine, but you will also find that you have to choose between a gasoline powered drive and electric driven machine also. A gasoline engine driven machine is usually a two stage machine and can be a source of both air and noise pollution. An electric driven machine has quite a disadvantage because there is a limit to the power that it has. The electric snow blowers are usually single-stage machines and if you live in an area of heavy snowfall, then you will find that this machine is not as efficient as a gasoline powered machine.

Staying Safe with Snow Blowers
Using any kind of tool requires safety and snow blowers are no different. You need to take the following precautions when using your snow blower.
1. Children should never use a snow blower. The rotating impeller of a two-stage machine can cause amputation of hands or other serious injuries if there is contact.
2. If you are using an electric snow blower, then you need to take the normal precautions that are associated with using electricity.
3. Children love watching the snow fly out of a two-stage machine. It is important that you keep them at a safe distance to keep them from being under the thrown snow.

Andrew Caxton is a syndicated writer of . If you would like more information on this topic please checkout his website at snow blowers

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How to Choose Snow Blowers for Your Needs

If you live in an area which suffers from bad snow either frequently or even just once a year, you will know how frustrating it is sometimes to have it in your way. As beautiful looking as snow often is, it can be a nightmare to get through, especially if you are driving so just what can you do to help both you and your garden from the snow? Well, snow blowers may be just what you are after.

Choosing a Snow Blower to Suit You

The snow blower which you settle upon will be one which fits within your garden and driveway. There are various different sizes and each will be able to remove a certain amount of snow. They are so much easier than using a shovel but if you purchase the wrong type for you, you won't really be helping yourself!

So in order to purchase a snow blower to suit you, you need to first make a list of exactly what it is that you need. Some things you may want to ask yourself and write down include:

* How much snow do you usually get? * How much of a budget do you have? * How big is your garden/driveway?

The above points will really help you to ensure that you get a machine to suit you. For example, if you only have to deal with a small amount of snow, it is pointless going out and purchasing one which is mainly used for shifting huge amounts. It would be a complete waste of money and it would be far too powerful. So, look for one which handles the amount of snow that you usually get and you should be fine.

Your budget is obviously another important factor as it will determine which snow blower you can actually get. However, if you do not have enough of a budget to buy the machine that you need, it would be worth saving up a little more until you can afford it. This is because if you buy the wrong machine for you it might not necessarily work properly and it would have been a waste of money when you could have waited a little longer and purchased one which you needed.

Overall buying a snow blower shouldn't be hard work. Simply know what you need beforehand and it really will make your decision a whole lot easier. It certainly beats using a shovel every time you get snowed in!

Andrew Caxton is the editor of A website with tips on snow blowers, amongst many related topics.

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Sunday, January 6, 2008

Buying a Snow Blower for You

Buying a snow blower is sometimes very overwhelming with all of the choices available. In this article, you will learn about the different varieties of snow blowers available and what you need to keep in mind when choosing one for your home.

Selecting A Snow Blower Buying one of the many snow blowers available can be a good investment. Snow blowers have several different benefits, including saving your back from shoveling. You need to keep several things in mind when looking for a snow blower or snow thrower, as it is known in some areas. 1. Keep in mind how much snow you get each year and how dense it is. Both of these factors will help you to find the snow blower that is best for you and your particular needs. 2. Try out the snow blower before you buy. This will give you a feel for how the snow blower works and you can learn how to use it properly. This will also give you a chance to try out several different ones to find the one that you are most comfortable with.

Costs of a Snow blower Snow blowers can be quite an investment. One thing that you need to keep in mind is that the price will increase when the demand increases for the item, so during a blizzard is not the best time to purchase a snow blower at a discount. You can find a single stage machine that is priced anywhere from $350 to $800. If you want a two-stage machine, then you could spend as much as $1000. Costs can also be dependent upon the throw distance of the snow blower and the capacity.

Snow Blower Varieties Your most obvious choice is between the single stage and a two-stage machine, but you will also find that you have to choose between a gasoline powered drive and electric driven machine also. A gasoline engine driven machine is usually a two stage machine and can be a source of both air and noise pollution. An electric driven machine has quite a disadvantage because there is a limit to the power that it has. The electric snow blowers are usually single-stage machines and if you live in an area of heavy snowfall, then you will find that this machine is not as efficient as a gasoline powered machine.

Staying Safe with Snow Blowers Using any kind of tool requires safety and snow blowers are no different. You need to take the following precautions when using your snow blower. 1. Children should never use a snow blower. The rotating impeller of a two-stage machine can cause amputation of hands or other serious injuries if there is contact. 2. If you are using an electric snow blower, then you need to take the normal precautions that are associated with using electricity. 3. Children love watching the snow fly out of a two-stage machine. It is important that you keep them at a safe distance to keep them from being under the thrown snow.

Andrew Caxton loves writing for . For additional information on snow removal subjects follow this link snow blowers

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Looking for a Snowblower - Consider a Toro Snow Blower

When most people think about snow throwers, they think toro snow blowers. Thats not surprising, since Toro has been making snow blowers (or snowthrowers as they are also commonly known as), since 1951 when they introduced it. Before that, there was a lot of sore backs and probably more swearing.

Toro is renowned for its lightweight electric and gas snowthrowers (available in single or double stage snowblowers). The Toro Snow Commander is perfect for areas with a reasonable amount of snow, and for those who suffer through deep, heavy snowfalls or have a large area to take care of, 6-13hp four cycle snow blowers will meet the challenge.

Depending on how much snow (both area and depth), Toro has several snow throwers that will make clearing snow so much easier!

Toro Two Stage Power Max Toro Super Single Stage Snow Commander Toro Single Stage Power Curve Toro Electric Power Curve / Power Shovel Plus

Some of the features that many of the toro snow blowers have:

Power Propel System: Pulling back on the bail will pivot the snowblower forward, which will help propel you through the snow.

Power Curve Drum Auger: Exclusive to Toro, the Power Curve System helps you clear snow thanks to its high capacity funnel. With the widest clearing width in its class at 24" and a 15" high auger housing, you'll save time and effort.

Warranty - Depending on the model of your Toro snow blower, you'll enjoy a 2-5 year warranty.

With over 50 years as a snow blower innovator, Toro should be on your list of snow throwers to take a look at more closely. With almost 10 models to choose from, you'll find one that meets your needs.

Looking for info on Toro Snow Blowers? You'll find lots of information on all types of snow blowers at

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Snow Blowers

A snow blower, also known as a snow thrower is a machine for removing snow from an area where it is not wanted, such as a sidewalk, driveway, or any other snow laden path. Modern snow blowers use either electric power or a gasoline or diesel engine to throw snow to another location or into a vehicle to be hauled away. This is in contrast with the action of snow plows, which push snow to the front or side (shovels can be similarly used).

Snow blower can range from the very small, capable of removing only several inches (a few cm) of light snow in a 18 to 20 inch (45 to 50 cm) path, to very large, capable of moving 10 foot (3 m) wide swaths of heavy snow up to 6 feet (2 m) deep. Snow blowers can generally be divided into two classes: single stage and two stage.

Single stage snow blowers

Single stage snow throwers use a single high-speed impeller to both move the snow into the machine and force it out the discharge chute. The impeller is commonly in the form of two or more curved plastic paddles that move snow towards the centerline of the machine where the discharge chute is located. Single stage snow throwers usually are light duty machines. Small electric machines can actually be picked up to chew away deep snow banks a layer at a time.

One exception to the rule are the enormous single stage rotary snow throwers used by railroads to clear tracks in mountainous areas. These rotary snowplows use a single large impeller that can span the entire width of the train and typically discharge to the side.

Two stage snow blower

By comparison, two stage snow blowers have one or more low-speed metal augers that break up the snow and move it into a separate high-speed impeller (sometimes called the fan). The impeller 'blows' the snow out the discharge chute with considerable force. All but the lightest-duty snow throwers are typically two-stage machines.

Two stage snow blowers range in power from a few horsepower to very large machines powered by diesel engines of over 1000 horsepower (750 kW). The large machines are used for clearing roadways and airport runways. These are capable of removing large amounts of snow quickly. Some municipalities use larger snowblowers to clear snow from streets after a snowfall, blowing the snow into trucks which haul it away.

Two stage snow blowers for home use are often self-propelled, having either large wheels equipped with tire chains or, in some cases, tracks. These are usually single-purpose snow blowers, though some are detachable front ends that can be replaced with other implements, such as a garden tiller.

When choosing a snow blower one must decide whether the area is large or small or if in fact you'll be using your snow blower frequently or rarely, depending on the region you live in.

Most home snow blower use today are two stage snow blowers. And are much more advanced than previous models. So usually price is the most important issue today, when buying a snow blower. The internet is a great way to find snow blower reviews and to compare pricing. Good luck and stay warm!

Vist my Website onSnow Blowers. Lots of good articles and information there a well.

Snow Blower Expert.

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Thursday, January 3, 2008

Buying a Snow Blower - here are a few tips to remember

Some people love snow and welcome its arrival, while others wince at the back pain they have to look forward to. Its not surprising that these 2 people fall into 2 groups: those with snow blowers, and those who shovel. Here are some tips to help you enjoy the white stuff once again.

Know Your Snow Job Just like a car, there are many makes and models of snowblowers (or snow throwers as they are also commonly known as). Each car is suited for a different purpose, and snow blowers are no different.

How long is your driveway? How much snow do you anticipate receiving each year? How heavy is the snow? How wide a space does your snow removal needs cover?

For most city dwellers, who have just a driveway and a sidewalk to clear off, a single stage gas blower will do the trick. These types of snow blowers will touch the ground, so be aware of the area you are clearing. Most single stage gas snow blowers retail for $300 to $900.

However, if you find that you get a lot of snow, or have a larger area to clear, a two stage gas blower will save you time and help avoid further back aches. These types of snow blowers come equiped with wide augers to clear off larger areas, while throwing the snow further. Depending on the type of two stage gas snow blower you are looking at, prices can range from $600 to over $2000 according to Consumer Reports.

If you have a gravel driveway, you'll want to ensure that the auger doesn't touch the ground (thus picking up rocks which can be hard on the snowblower, and cause harm if to items near the path of the blowing snow. Most two stage blowers are perfect for gravel driveways.

If you find that you only get a few inches per snowfall, or have a relatively small area to clear, you may find that a single stage electric blower will take care of your needs. Electric snow throwers range between $100 and $300 and will clear an area of about 11-18inches.

Take It For A Spin While a retailer wont let you clear off any snow at your house to test it out, they will let you push the floor models around. Find one that suits your strength. The larger snow blowers are normally very heavy. While it may be fun to have the largest snow blower on the block, it doesnt make sense to buy it if you cant push it around without hurting your back.

Are the handlebars adjustable to your height? You have to remain in control of your snow blower at all times and the handlebars will help you to move around corners. You should also pay attention to the chute control. By adjusting the direction of the chute, you can angle the snow where you want it, not in front of you or on your neighbours driveway.

Play Safe If you purchase a single or two stage gas snow blower, remember to start it up outside. Carbon monoxide poisoning is an invisible killer. Clearing snow is tough enough without having to worry about carbon monoxide.

Do you have a set of ear plugs? You'll need them, especially with the larger snow blowers.

Remember not to wear anything that is loose fitting. Its very easy for a scarf or sleeve to get caught in the snow blower and the results are not very nice.

Its obvious, but many people loose limbs because they dont watch what they are doing. If your machine gets clogged, turn it off. Only when the engine is off (or unplugged if you purchase an electric snow blower) should you attempt to clear the clog. Use a wooden broom handle or hockey stick to clear out a clog. Better you have to buy a new broom or a new hockey stick than to have to explain why you no longer have an arm.

Other than price, buying a snow thrower is no different than buying a car. In both cases, you buy the one that meets your exact needs and fits within your budget. Take it out for a test drive and remember safety first.

Start enjoying snow again. Think of how envious your neighbours will be when they see your new machine purring down the driveway, without a care, and without a worry of a sore back.

dont shovel: toro snow blowers - compare and save on your next toro snow blower

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Honda snow blowers

If you're looking for a powerful, well built, reliable snow blower, you can't go wrong when you choose a Honda snow blower. They are built to be simple and safe to operate even with heavy gloves and other winter wear on, and generally require little maintenance. They also start easily, run quietly and will not cause your clothes to smell like exhaust. When you consider their reliability and the fact that they often last 20 years or longer, the choice becomes obvious.

Regardless of your needs, from moving less than four inches of accumulated snow to moving over twelve inches of accumulated snow, you'll find a Honda snow blower for the job. Your initial investment will be slightly higher, but you will spend significantly less on maintenance and repairs than you would on other brands. People who are serious about quality and longevity choose Honda because they have worked so hard to engineer a one of the best snow blowers on the market and have built a solid reputation in the process.

If you're ready to choose a Honda snow blower, you'll need to know roughly how often you receive snowfall, roughly how much accumulates and the size of your driveway. With this information, a Honda dealer can tell you which model would be the most appropriate for your needs.

For more information on snow blowers, please visit the Snow Blower Facts where you can find details on various brands and models.

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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Which Snow Blower Is Right For You?

If there's one thing people hate about winter, it's shoveling the driveway. Clearing snow and ice from driveways and sidewalks is hard work but doing it with a snow blower will make your job much easier than shoveling.

The type of snow blower you choose will depend on whether your driveway is gravel or paved, large or small, flat or hilly, as well as the severity of your winters. Snow blowers come in three basic designs.

1. Two-Stage Gas Snow Blowers

They are larger and can clear an area faster, with clearing widths up to 30 inches, than single-stage models. Two Stage gas snow blowers have driven wheels, a snow-gathering auger, and an impeller to help disperse snow.

2. Single-Stage Gas Snow Blowers

They are smaller (21-inch clearing width for most) than two-stage models and take longer to clear a given area. Single stage gas snow blowers are lighter to push and turn, are less expensive, and store in less space that two-stage models.

They rely on a rubber-tipped auger alone to gather snow, disperse it, and help propel the machine.

3. Single-Stage Electric Snow Blowers

They are even smaller (11 to 18-inch clearing width) than single stage gas models.

Single stage electric snow blowers cost even less and are easier still to handle and store than single stage gas models.

General Rule of Thumb

For heavy annual snowfall (over 12"), you will need a larger engine to tackle the job and a larger intake area to clear more snow quickly. Two-stage models are recommended for medium (6'-12") to heavy snow conditions, while single stage model should be sufficient for light snowfall (under 6").

Features you might consider in choosing a snow blower. Followings will help make snow throwers safer and more convenient to use.

1. Electric Start ? Simple, effortless starts
2. Single Hand Operation ? Adjust direction and height of now throwing wile you keep moving.
3. Speed Control ? Adjust to multiple forward and reverse speeds for a comfortable pace.
4. Tire Chains ? For added traction in icy conditions
5. Light Kit ? For operation at night or in early morning.Michael Lee is the webmaster of A guide on snow blowers such as what to choose, where to buy, manuals, safety and maintenance etc.

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